Lighthouse Anesthesia

Patient Information


What is Anesthesia? It is a relatively safe and uneventful means to providing pain relief during and after surgery. There are several types of anesthesia –


During General anesthesia you are unconscious and have no awareness or other sensations. There are a number of general anesthetic drugs. Some are gases or vapors inhaled through a mask or tube, while others are medications administered through an IV.


During Regional anesthesia, an injection is made near a cluster of nerves to numb that area of your body. You may remain awake, or you may be given a sedative – either way you do not see or feel the actual surgery taking place. There are several kinds of regional anesthesia; at our facilities nerve blocks tend to be the most common types utilized. Lighthouse Anesthesia uses an ultrasound guidance technique to place various nerve blocks for certain procedures to provide targeted anesthesia for both surgical anesthesia and post-operative pain control. These blocks usually are in addition the anesthesia required for the surgical procedure where sedation of General or MAC anesthesia is required.

Patient Information


During MAC anesthesia, or conscious sedation, “twilight” sleep may occur. Medications are usually administered through an IV that make the patient drowsy and relaxed. Different levels of sedation are possible. Under mild sedation the patient is awake and aware of their surrounds, patients can respond to questions or instructions ( this is used with some eye surgeries). During moderate sedation the patient may doze off but wakes easily and deep sedation is similar to general anesthesia. Depending on the length and complexity of the procedure, and the comfort level of the patient, conversion to general anesthesia may be required.


During Local anesthesia, and anesthetic drug is administered into the tissue of one small area to numb just the specific location of your body requiring minor surgery. During this type of anesthesia, you will be awake and alert and may feel some pressures but won’t feel pain in the area being treated.

Your Rights & Responsibilities

You can discuss any question and concerns with your anesthesia provider. If you have had history of adverse side effects from anesthesia in the past, please let your provider know to discuss ways to mitigate negative side effects or monitor your body’s reaction to the anesthesia.

Lighthouse Anesthesia works with all insurance companies that are in-network with the facilities where our group practices. We will work with you to set up payment plans for your deductibles. Have any questions about your anesthesia cost? Contact our billing office and we will answer the questions you may have as well as give you an estimated cost of anesthesia for your procedure. Anesthesia billing is based on a time factor, your estimate will be based on your health status, the likely length of your procedure and any special services required.

Risks of Anesthesia

Though anesthesia is general very safe, like with all medical interventions, it can cause some side effects during and after the procedure or surgery. Most side effects are minimal and temporary, however there are some more serious possible side effects patients should be aware of –

  • Sore Throat
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Dry Mouth
  • Headaches
  • Delirium or Memory Loss
  • Injection Site Soreness
  • Muscle Aches
  • Itching
  • Difficulty Urinating
  • Hematoma
  • Nerve Damage
  • Dental Injuries

The above list are the most common side effects of anesthesia, in very rare cases the risk of hypothermia or hyperthermia, brain damage, heart attack or death can occur. Again, these are very rare instances. Although a “complication free” anesthesia service cannot be guaranteed, our staff is highly trained and specialized to monitor you through the entire case as well as post-operatively to make sure you have the safest possible care.